1661 Cherry Hill Road, Joliet, IL 60433

Good afternoon Union families and staff!

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. Our teachers and staff have been working hard to get ready for the start of the school year. Here are some important dates/information:

School Supply drop-off will be on August 19th from 8am until 3pm and August 20th from 1pm until 6pm. All parents should enter through the gym doors, and supplies should be put in a bag or box with your students name and grade level on it. The supplies will be put in the gym by grade level (locations will be marked). Bus schedules will be posted with times and locations for every student. Any parent that still needs to provide registration information will need to see Joy in the office at that time. All registration must be complete before a student can attend school on the first day (Wednesday, August 21st).

Our residency checks are taking place before the year starts. All students must lawfully reside in the district in order to attend Union School. Anyone in violation will not be able to attend, and tuition for all days that were attended will be charged to the student’s parent (approximatelt $130 per day/per student).

Since we are making so many changes to our curriculum, the teachers will be in meetings all day on August 19th and 20th. Parents will be able to meet with teachers at our Back-to-School Family Fun Night on Friday, August 23rd from 4pm until 7:30 pm. This night is for students, siblings and parents/guardians only. The schedule is as follows:

4pm-6pm- Food trucks and fun on our new soccer field! Free food for our students and their immediate family members. Come play on the new soccer field and enjoy great food with the staff and kids!

6pm- Mandatory meeting in the gym to discuss school year, new rules, and answer any questions.

6:15pm-7:30pm- 15 minute rotations will take place so every family can see their teachers (including music and P.E.),  greenhouse/STEM trailer, Spanish, Social Skills, and Resource/RTI, Speech/OT (if applicable). Rotations will be given that evening.

Thank you!

Mr. Baldermann