1661 Cherry Hill Road, Joliet, IL 60433

Niche School Rankings

Niche School Rankings are highly reported and regarded and Union School has been ranked the #1 Elementary School in Will County and the #2 Middle School in Will County, making us #1 overall! And it’s not just Will County where we’re shining! See this link for further information. https://www.niche.com/k12/union-elementary-school-joliet-il/rankings/

Our Elementary School teachers were ranked 111/2,213 which places them in the top 5% of all elementary school teachers in Illinois! Our Middle School teachers were ranked 57/1,341 which places them in the top 5% of all middle school teachers in Illinois!

This success must be shared by so many, and in no particular order. First, our School Board of Education makes sure that we have every available resource in order to provide the very best for our students. Second, our teachers and staff put their heart and soul into their professions and always go the extra mile for our students. Third, our students take great pride in their work and value the opportunities they’ve been provided. Fourth, our families support the school mission and are partners with us in every way. Fifth, our other stakeholders are always ready to step up and be a part of the team!

Many of you parents know we push your children to be great students and great young human beings. We teach not only the academic subjects, but stress the importance of leadership, kindness and compassion. Educating the whole child is our motto. Accomplishing that at this level requires buy in and teamwork from all of you.

Enjoy this success…you’re all a big reason for what we’ve achieved!